Category Archives: Art

Plastic Animation Paper

Ok, I’m going to try something here. Let’s see if I can successfully connect a youtube file to my blog… (I am now hosting my own video)

This is an quick pencil test I did one day to try out a free animation program I found on the internet called Plastic Animation Paper. It was a lot of fun, but hard to get any clean drawing made. I use a 4×5 wacom tablet, which means that if you take into consider the tablet to monitor ratio, I was effectively drawing this little dude on the surface area of a postage stamp.

Oh, and I should probably mention that he is jumping over a canyon. I just wan’t able to use multible layers with the program to add a background.


Your Move

Hey, this is fun. And posting is so easy, I can see my self doing it more than 3 or 4 times a year (but don’t get your hopes up too high).

Here is another big headed, ferby eyed freak:


Little Me

Weeee, my second post! Not that anyone is really going to notice. I haven’t really told anyone about the site yet, but I figure it will be nice to build a few of these up before I start brodcasting it to the world.

Here is a quick sketch I did with my tablet today. I’ve been playing around with character designs a lot lately and figured that I would try my hand at one of them big head, large eyes, small nose goofy looken kids.

A lot of people tell me that some of my characters look like me. Most of the time I don’t see it, but this one I admit could be a young me.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestmail

My Art Log

Yey! I got my brand spankin new blog up and running. not much to do here yet, but i’ll see if i can figure out how to post a picture to give you something to look at.

This is a one of three vehical designs I did for my character and object design class in my last quarter at college.

So anywho. Why a Blog? I saw that everyone else was doing them, so I thought I would go with the crowd :) More importantly I was about to completely rebuild my web site and came to the realization that I didn’t want to. The problem with a traditional website in my experience (or lack there of) is that it is a pain to keep up to date. So I figured that this might be a good sollution to share my junk, and it is so easy that I might even update it once in a while.

Hope you like it. Oh, and the other thing is that you can easily leave feedback. So please feel free to do so!
