I’m so excited for you all to see this movie! I normal make these posts after the film has come out, but I couldn’t wait on this one :)

Hey look, another feature film I worked on!
Moxy and Mandy were the primary characters I worked on, Though I think my favorite may have been the purple octopus :)
Note: You won’t find my name in the credits at the end of this one. It’s unfortunate, but not entirely uncommon for names to be left out of the credits for one reason or another. But you will find my name in the listing on IMDb.com
I was only on this project for a short time. Mostly helped out with some prop assets. The most notable being the book in the opening sequence. You may not think a book asset would be the most exciting thing to rig (I didn’t either), those type of things are fairly run of the mill for the rigging department, but then I found out that it was more of a landscape. Characters would be bouncing around on top of it, and the camera would be close enough for the text to be legible — which meant I had to setup the page deformations realistically enough that the page wouldn’t look rubbery an stretch.
This past Thursday, I had the pleasure of presenting in a Rigging Dojo, AIR (Artist in Residence) session.
The Rigging Dojo is an online school for learning the art and science of CG rigging. They are well respected within the industry, and I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a career as a rigging artist.
My presentation was titled “Simple Solutions to Complex Problems,” where I discussed my approach to inventing new rig tech, while in the confines of a production schedule.
You can checkout my presentation, and an archive of others, by going HERE and subscribing to the AIR program.
I absolutely loved the Despicable Me movie, and was thrilled when I got the opportunity to work on the Universal Studios ride, Minion Mayhem.
I of course enjoyed working on the characters, but the props, gadgets and gizmos were really a hoot!