Here’s a painting I did quite a while back. Hadn’t posted it because I hoped to get back to it and re-work it a bit. There’s a lot I could improve, but I like it enough to say good enough :)

While surfing the internets, I stumbled upon this:
(YouTube video of it in action)
Immediately thinking to myself, “FINALLY! The technology has arrived for me to become Gizmoduck!”
I only had one problem to work out, and I think I’ve got a reasonable solution ;)
Found a nifty new animation app for my android tablet, Rough Animator. Did a couple rough animations to test it out:
Thought it would be a fun first test, having him hold up blank cards, then finished by filling in my opinion of the app.
This next one is now my goto reaction gif for work emails :)
If you are interested in using it, you should checkout this video tutorial Rough Animator 101 done by a talented guy I went to college with, Erin Humiston