Wow, that was fun. When I got home from work tonight I noticed that the sun setting over the mountains looked amazing. I’ve got a lot of work to do with my painting skills, but for 20 minutes work I’m pretty darn happy with it:

So my friend and I have had this idea for a short quite a while back about these kids with over-active imaginations that engage in a Nerf war between one another. Not much has come of the idea, but we do like to kick out some concept work for it periodically… Here is my latest that I started at lunch the other day:
Yeah Ok, so it’s been a while since I’ve posted. Sorry to disappoint… I’ve had a lot of other things taking my attention and using up my creativity. Not that I haven’t been drawing; usually during these times I’ll do study sketches to sharpen my creative ax. Typically from a book or tv, trying to pick up a better understanding of anatomy or light or character or whatever…
Here’s Christopher Reeves in the original Super Man
The Psychiatrist in Terminator 2
And after spraining my ankle last week, I did some foot studies from Louise Gordon’s anatomy book
My apologies for the poor quality images. I really need to make my scanner more accessible…