Category Archives: Art

Sub Surface Scattering

So I’ve been keeping myself busy artistically lately by building a new cg character. I’m a little over halfway through the modeling process. Tonight after a couple hours of pushing and pulling polygons, I decided to take a break by playing around with some shader ideas. Here is a test to see what I could get out of a sub surface scattering shader.


Yeah the back scatter (the effect of light showing through) is bit too much and makes him look waxy, but I was just having too much fun :)


Networking Fury


With all the technical stuff I’ve been doing lately, it sure feels good to sit down and do some painting. Even though this took me a couple of hours to do this, it is still more of an instant gratification than the 3D stuff I do.

Needs Sunshine

Here’s an overly creepy post:


It started out as a quick sketch on lunch break last week, then I went in and added some shading while I was waiting to meet with someone yesterday at work. overall, I may have put 20 mins into it.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestmail

Sketch Booking

Ok, so I’ve been holding out on you. I recently realized that I have quite a few sketches just laying around that i’ve been to lazy to post. Well not necessarily lazy, but I haven’t wanted to use my time posting stuff on the internet. I’d rather be… drawing or something. So here ya go:

First I’ll post a few from my sketch book, these are usually drawn while i’m sitting waiting somewhere, or out on lunch break.






When i’m sketching these people, I’m usually not too concerned with making it look like them… For one thing, people rarely hang around long enough to get an acurate likeness. Second, i’m usually not that interestest in “who” i’m drawing, but more how their standing sitting or doing what ever their doing. It’s a practice of visual note taking.
