Yey! I got my brand spankin new blog up and running. not much to do here yet, but i’ll see if i can figure out how to post a picture to give you something to look at.
This is a one of three vehical designs I did for my character and object design class in my last quarter at college.
So anywho. Why a Blog? I saw that everyone else was doing them, so I thought I would go with the crowd :) More importantly I was about to completely rebuild my web site and came to the realization that I didn’t want to. The problem with a traditional website in my experience (or lack there of) is that it is a pain to keep up to date. So I figured that this might be a good sollution to share my junk, and it is so easy that I might even update it once in a while.
Hope you like it. Oh, and the other thing is that you can easily leave feedback. So please feel free to do so!