How I See Things – 2

In the peril of a power outage, my survival instincts kicked in and I built a fort. Next of course, I needed to take a picture of my awesome fort.


As candid as it may look, I actually put effort into capturing this scene. Used my phone for wireless control over the camera, a remote flash concealed behind the book, and a couple out of frame flashlights to fill in the environment. I took my time to craft this image.


First, I situated the pillows so their lines would lead to my face. I then pulled the curtain to counter those lines and add to the look of coziness. Next, I was conscious of keeping everything fairly monochromatic; with exception to the red and green (color compliments) at the center of interest. Though I wanted to fill out the environment and tell the story of what is going on; ultimately, I aimed to hold the viewers attention tightly — keep them visually as cozy as I was :)




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