All posts by James

Sketch Book

Tah Dah (<-so much easier than writing a description for everything I post, and it really says it all :)


well maybe just a breif one here: I did this one at a Rockies game after I got board of watching the game, which didn’t take long… Don’t get me wrong, I’ve got nothing against baseball, I just think it would be better if there were only three
innings :)



Sub Surface Scattering

So I’ve been keeping myself busy artistically lately by building a new cg character. I’m a little over halfway through the modeling process. Tonight after a couple hours of pushing and pulling polygons, I decided to take a break by playing around with some shader ideas. Here is a test to see what I could get out of a sub surface scattering shader.


Yeah the back scatter (the effect of light showing through) is bit too much and makes him look waxy, but I was just having too much fun :)


Networking Fury


With all the technical stuff I’ve been doing lately, it sure feels good to sit down and do some painting. Even though this took me a couple of hours to do this, it is still more of an instant gratification than the 3D stuff I do.

Needs Sunshine

Here’s an overly creepy post:


It started out as a quick sketch on lunch break last week, then I went in and added some shading while I was waiting to meet with someone yesterday at work. overall, I may have put 20 mins into it.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestmail